Go With The Signs

No matter how much some of us may practice awareness and staying present, we may not always manage to succeed at it. We are human and as a society we do tend at times to get lost in the day-to-day routine of life. Being more aware and remaining present allows for us to deal with things in our immediate moments of life without too much distraction, which also allows for us to see when the Universe is sending us a signal or when our intuition speaks to us. Yes, we may get preoccupied with things not so important, what really doesn’t matter, but I think most times we don’t see the signs because we don’t really want to believe they’re there.

“Give me a signal!” begs Bruce, a character played by Jim Carrey in the movie Bruce Almighty. It’s a line from one of my favorite scenes in the film, a scene that humorously depicts when life is flashing us warning signs, and we are just too caught up to notice. In this scene Bruce is driving on wet roads, asking God to give him a sign as to what to do in life. What he doesn’t notice is that literally every sign he comes across be it on a traffic sign or strapped to the back of a pickup truck, are all cautioning him, telling him to slow down. Out of frustration he then aggressively drives around the truck, only to then seconds later cause himself an accident, and this is of course the part where he becomes Bruce Almighty.

I’m currently going through a situation where for a couple of months now it has been pointed out to me one way or the other by the Universe that a certain chapter of my life was coming to a close. I didn’t want to see it, and so I didn’t. For almost 2 months I felt as though I was swimming upstream. Every day of my life I felt slighted in one way or another. I felt as though I wasn’t being utilized to my full potential and slowly resentment started building. Once that started, the law of attraction quickly took over and it was an inevitable cycle of misery. I was miserable because certain things in life weren’t aligning, and things weren’t aligning in my life because I was miserable. This was all coming after I felt life had slowly begun to settle down for me a bit. A fierce wind came and blew me off my feet, sending me into a tailspin of not knowing where exactly I belonged anymore.

In a moment of unease, I tend to take a few days to myself to feel it set in. I get a little depressed, lay around, and although I’d like to think I’m actually paying attention to what I put on the t.v screen before me, I know it’s just to truly space out. Eventually I snap out of it. I feel my way through the misery until I’m numb, but eventually I come to my senses and begin to do the inner work. This time I came to the conclusion that the reason I was struggling so much was because I simply wasn’t ready to move on. It seemed to me as though I had outgrown the situation. Once where there was an initial reason for me to be where I was, that reason was no longer there, and as the purpose slipped through my fingers, I couldn’t see any other to replace it. My compass had been chaotically pointing in one direction, yet I had been pushing towards holding on to the place I currently stood. The funny part of it all? It was a situation I knew would come to an end. There really was no “moving up”, and regardless, I had begun the journey more to help others than for myself. It had been a year and a half since then and it’s been about a year longer than I had anticipated.

I blame my ego for having such a hard time with seeing things for what they really are. I’m sure it is more about pride than anything else. I was being squeezed out and I just couldn’t let it happen because I hadn’t been the one to initiate it. It hadn’t been my idea, it just happened. As I stumbled through the realization of the role I’ve been playing in my own misery, I began to take control over what I could. I since then have opted out of being in a situation that no longer suits me. It would be foolish to continue to try to force it. I’m instead using the free time I’ll now have to pursue other interests that have long since been on my mind and never had the time to. I’m taking this change as a real blessing, an answered prayer, a moment to utilize my time to further my interests and passions. I must take advantage because it’s not every day where people can find themselves in such a lucky situation… and realize it.

Co-Dep Relapse

I’d kill to see my old therapist again. Let me just add this is definitely a figure of speech. I’ve never kill anyone to see my old therapist again, but as the saying goes to express, I do miss her.

Codependency relapse. It only took me about 9 years but I’ve slowly been slipping back into those self-destructive ways. I’m becoming a people pleaser once again, putting everyone else first instead of my own happiness. I’ve been finding it so difficult to say “no” when every cell in my body is screaming out what I really want to do. What are my goals? What do I really want?

As of late, I’ve been finding hidden, stolen moments of “me” time. It’s currently the best way to fill my cup back up without offending anyone. It’s crazy how in even that I’m too much of a (beep) to even tell those closest to me that I need alone time. Why? If anything they should be the ones I could care less about lying to because they’re the ones who know me the best. Well, because of exactly that, they know me best, and therefore I can’t muster up the courage to stand up for myself. So instead, I’ve been suckered into caring too much about others and their s*** to have time to care about my own.

I sit here wanting to regain what I’ve slowly let go of, which is why I imagine what it would be like to sit with my old therapist again. She was a gem of a lady and I know she would be looking at me with a slight grin, wondering why I havent been applying all that she once taught me. It’s hard to not fall back into old ways when you dont have someone who knows better guiding you. In only 12 short sessions she changed my entire thought process around. I guess I should be happy that it took 9 years to regress a bit. Regardless, I live in Jersey now and she’s in Florida. I would know how to look for her for a hopeful Zoom meeting even if I wanted to.

This is when it is time to do the work myself. I need to remind myself of the tools I was once given and I must put them to use if I want to get back to who I was before moving back. It was easier back then when Ilibed in Florida and didnt live around many people I was really close to. Moving away from home and making friends made it easy to be my authentic self without much guilt, therefore it was easy to break free from the chains of codependency. Being home, among everyone I grew up with, it’s hard for me to really place myself first. I’m struggling hard with this, and in the process I’m beginning to lose much of what I managed to work so inwardly hard for. My inner work is what I value most at this stage in my life and there isn’t anything that I want to mess that up because in doing so, I’d be taking a huge leap back. That’s a leap I refuse take.

Duh, Idiot! Let Go!

I was going over my range of feelings on my way to work today. With all of the unexpectedness that has been going on in my life, complete random s*** that has been throwing me slightly off, I’ve been thrown off kilter yet I still managed to regain my footing. At first I was thinking how much the universe has been loving toying around with me lately. Like if it were some huge kid poking me with a twig to see what I’d do. But my thinking was so off about that. Here’s what I mean, I read my own tarot cards. I follow my own spiritual advisor (or two). I do a lot of inner work. As of late I have been receiving signs pretty much telling me that I need to let go, I need to move towards the path of least resistance, just go with the flow. Although I swore I thought that I already was, my mind was playing tricks on me. I wasn’t. I realized on my way to work today that the universe is throwing me all of these twists and turns because it’s forcing me to let go of control. The universe is trying to force me to let go of everything and just let it all be. It’s strange to realize when you’ve been missing such an obvious message. You feel foolish by not seeing it. In reality when you are so close to the situation how could you see it? That’s like standing nose to screen to the TV and expecting to see the whole picture. So I got the message loud and clear. I know that my life is about to go in some crazy new direction. I can feel it. The vibes are there, the air is thick with the newness. Hence all of the disruption in what my normal day to day is. It’s because of all this newness that my old routine must change. During times of evolving one must always check and get rid of the old. So instead of me trying to control even the small things I am literally putting my feet up, leaning back, and not doing a damn thing. I am just going to be here to receive and to be open to all opportunities that will be thrown my way.

Wrap Me Up in Bubble Wrap

I’m still not used to all the twists and turns and surprising drops that life sometimes takes, however I am getting much better at being able to deal with them without freaking out. I’m still struggling in regards to patiently dealing when other people’s life choices, decisions, and moods affect my day-to-day living or routine. I don’t have a lot of consistency in my life so I cherish the few routines I do have. They are the only times I can really count on to bringing me back to my center. They have become my zen moments. They have become the times that I can count on to escape and get away when need be. When other people disrupt that, it really truly grinds my gears.

In the last few weeks I have found myself countless times having to grit my teeth, bite my tongue, suppress any real opinion for fear of offending feelings. I have a lot of patience for such things because honestly, not everybody deserves to hear a true opinion. Not everyone can take it. Not everybody wants to hear it. “We were born with two ears to listen and one mouth to speak with, that’s two times the listening!” Isn’t that how the saying goes? Well, it is true to be. I am okay with it not always being about me, and having to share opinions or experiences without being asked. But soon patience starts running thin especially when those same people that you’re constantly interacting with start messing with your mojo, and when I mean “mojo” I mean my sacred routines.

I’m going to say that currently in my life there are three major players, which I won’t mention who they are. Each one of these major characters one way or another pull the strings to my puppet, meaning me. It is true when I say that I definitely feel I have regressed back into some of my old codependency ways. Some of those ways being, me not ever wanting to say no, or wanting let others down. Another way being that I do love to rescue and help and make people feel as though they’re being saved, that they’re okay and in good hands. I empty my cup, and empty it until there is no more, and still try to give from my empty cup. Before you know it I am at my wits end about to rip my hair out because I am depleted and drained and don’t know how to get myself out and back into drinking from my own cup again.

The last couple of days I have found much more “me” time and in that time I have concluded that if I want to take reins of my own life again and control the direction in which my future is going, then I definitely have to put my foot down. I started to be more of my authentic self. I make sure that before I leave the house in the morning I imagine myself covering myself from head to toe in thick bubble wrap. This bubble wrap is to deflect any and all sorts of negativity that could come my way, bouncing it right off of me. I have started to note when conflicting situations arise and instead of allowing myself to get caught up in the emotion and feed into it, I just say no more, turn around, and walk away.

I need to really reiterate to myself that I do not need to deal with other people’s shit. When I do, that is when I start losing my life and start living theirs. Regardless of who it is and how much love I have for them, this life experience is a short one and I came here to experience it fully for myself. I need to have that reminder in the back of my mind because it is a very strong and important message. If you’re asking me , it’s actually the most important one in my opinion.

Inner Work

It’s been over a decade that I’ve been working on myself from the inside out. From exercising shadow work to learning new spiritual practicies, I’ve taken a lot of time in getting to know myself as much as possible. In my honest opinion, it’s what truly matters most, enhancing the inside. My journey has had its up as well as downs of course, but it has all been more than well worth it.

I am one to always embrace change and love evolving. It amazes me when I come across questions, reflective questions that really make me dig deep within myself, questions that I feel like I should automatically know the answer to because I’m dealing with myself, but yet, I don’t even have the faintest idea of what the answer truly is. It could take me days to answer a question that is posed upon me. I find that fascinating. What is even more so, are always the answers because they’re never the initial answer that I start with. As I continue digging, the real underlying answers arise, and that’s where the truth of the matter is really embedded.

It started with a small article on finances and how to work on money blocks which led me into a rabbit hole of, well, myself really. Everyday can give you a slight nudge into self discovery you’re open to it. Tonight’s nudge led me into a day dream of future deliciousness to be had. All it takes is a dream, a thought, to produce enough momentum to achieve what you want. It’s really as easy as that.